Treat your­self to a Tra­di­tion­al Asi­an Mas­sage, one of the world’s old­est heal­ing mod­al­it­ies and strengthen your body, mind and soul and improve your health and reduce stress

See for your­self and take a short break at our Thai Spa in the Kur­haus Warnemünde!

Open­ing hours Mo–Sa 10:00–18:00, Sunday closed.
Tel. +49 381 77 87 27 44 oder Mobil +49 152 05 14 29 35

– No erot­ic –

Health & Relaxation

The tra­di­tion­al Asi­an mas­sage is a com­bin­a­tion of tra­di­tion­al Chinese medi­cine and tra­di­tion­al Thai mas­sage taught by the temple’s mas­sage school in Wat Pho.

It is a mix­ture of acupres­sure, yoga, reflex­o­logy, energy work and med­it­a­tion and con­sists of stretch­ing, as well as dif­fer­ent press­ing tech­niques. It strengthens the body’s energy flow and sup­ports phys­ic­al, men­tal and spir­itu­al well-being.

The mas­sages have a pos­it­ive effect on the cir­cu­la­tion of your skin, con­nect­ive tis­sue and muscles. They increase flex­ib­il­ity and release ten­sion.
The tra­di­tion­al Asi­an mas­sage is very good to relief head and neck pain, chron­ic back pain, as well as phys­ic­al and men­tal strain.

  • Full body massage

    A com­bin­a­tion of dif­fer­ent mas­sage tech­niques with neut­ral oils, which elim­in­ates block­ages in the meridi­ans (energy chan­nels) – for a bet­ter flow of life energy in the body.

    Pam­per­ing time about 60 min
    65,00 €
  • Partial body massage

    Spe­cial tech­niques relieve ten­sions on shoulder, neck and head zone and on the back and stim­u­lates the loc­al energy flow

    Pam­per­ing time about 30 min
    40,00 €
    Pam­per­ing time about 60 min
    65,00 €
  • Acupressure foot massage

    A Mas­sage with Thai foot balm and select­ive pres­sure on vari­ous
    acu­punc­ture points on the foot which relieves ten­sions and block­ages

    Pam­per­ing time about 30 min
    40,00 €
    Pam­per­ing time about 60 min
    65,00 €
  • Intense massage

    Asi­an full-body mas­sage with foot mas­sage and essen­tial oils
    - a com­bin­a­tion of Thai and Chinese mas­sage tech­niques com­bined with aroma oil ther­apy

    Pam­per­ing time about 90 min
    90,00 €
  • Aroma oil therapy

    Herb­al oils or coconut oils are applied onto the skin and all muscle parts get gently smoothed out. Exot­ic scents and relax­ing music put your body and mind in a calm-com­fort­ing state.

    Pam­per­ing time about 60 min
    65,00 €
  • Couple’s massage

    Share a pam­per­ing exper­i­ence with your sig­ni­fic­ant oth­er.
    A couple’s mas­sage isn’t just for romantics— moth­er-daugh­ter duos and best friends may also enjoy side-by-side ser­vices.


Treat your friends and loved

ones to a great time.
All mas­sages are also avail­able as gift vouch­ers at the Thai Spa.

Parlour & Ambience

Come on in and enjoy the exot­ic flair of the Thai Spa Warnemünde!
Exot­ic fra­grances, gentle tunes and authen­t­ic Feng Shui interi­or cre­ate a har­mo­ni­ous atmo­sphere in which you will feel at ease. After the treat­ment you can fin­ish your short trip with cool water or a tea spe­cialty from Thai­l­and.
We look for­ward to you !

Vir­tu­al Tour

Thai SPA Warnemünde
in Kur­haus Warnemünde
Kur­hausstraße 18
18119 Rostock

Open­ing hours:
Mo–Sa 10:00–18:00
Sunday closed

Just come by or
make an appoint­ment by phone:
Tel. 0381 – 77 87 27 44
Mobil 0152 – 05 14 29 35

You will find our salon in the spa hotel “Kur­haus Warnemünde” in front of the Nep­tun Hotel. Our salon is air-con­di­tioned. Just come by dur­ing our open­ing hours or make an appoint­ment. The under­ground park­ing offers secure and con­veni­ent park­ing.